Unlock the
limitless potential
of your mind
through QHHT
History of QHHT
QHHT is a unique form of hypnosis developed and perfected by the late Dolores Cannon throughout 45 years of research and exploration. Since the 1960s Dolores has been a dedicated researcher uncovering ancient lost knowledge and exploring reincarnation through past life regression sessions, many of which she has been able to validate by tracking back through history. Dolores is known for taking her clients into deeper states of hypnosis than many of her colleagues dared to go. While others remained close-minded, stating that too many “strange and peculiar things begin to happen” when you go that deep, Dolores instead looked straight into the Face of the Unknown and dared to reveal its secrets.
She is an award-winning author with over 17 different books investigating a wide range of topics and adventures experienced through her clients. Practitioners all over the world are now learning and implementing her technique.
How does QHHT work?
Anyone can be hypnotized because hypnosis is a naturally occurring state in the body that we fluctuate in and out of every single day. The deepest state of hypnosis, known as THETA, is experienced at least twice a day - in the early moments just as you begin to wake up in the morning, and the transition state you enter right before falling asleep. All we are doing during QHHT is accessing this same state and putting it to use for our benefit.
During a QHHT session you will gently be guided into a deep state of relaxation through the use of visualization. For many clients this experience will feel like an intricate daydream or profound meditation. Many individuals describe their sessions as “the best nap they’ve ever had in their life” and leave feeling grounded, relaxed, and even awe-inspired.
☽ The Science ☾
To explain what is happening in the body during a QHHT session, we need to understand the different levels of consciousness a human being can experience and how those correlate to different measurable frequencies the brain emits, creating brain wave states that each have their own unique characteristics.
States of Consciousness
As our brainwaves shift throughout the day, different aspects of our consciousness take the driver’s seat. Each aspect of our consciousness has different scripts and programs that they are in charge of directing in the body.
Many of us are not even consciously aware of most of these processes happening… afterall our bodies are miraculous machines that run unconsciously and do not need to be told to digest the food we eat, send blood to our hearts, or re-learn how to walk every single day.
A different director - our conscious mind - is in charge of logical thinking and making the decisions that impact our day to day lives. It has the ability to perceive what is right and wrong and the power to accept or deny based on the experiences we have.
But perhaps the most elusive and misunderstood director of all is the subconscious mind - or screenwriter - who is the liaison between these other aspects and directly controls your narrative. This is the part of you that stores and remembers all of the things that have ever happened to you (in particular your emotions) and creates an identity based on how you FEEL about these experiences. Sometimes called your EGO, this is the part of you who is in charge most of the time. They write the scripts - the thoughts, reactions & scenes - that are sent directly to your body and are then expressed unconsciously and automatically. In other words, this is the part of you that controls everything you do that you are unaware of. * Until you become CONSCIOUS of your SUBCONSCIOUS programming it will be expressed automatically *
Through the unique power of QHHT we are able to call forth your subconscious programming and bring it directly into your conscious mind where it may be observed and changed. Utilizing a special brainwave state known as GAMMA, we are then able to ask your controlling EGO mind to step out of the way, so that the most knowledgeable aspect of your consciousness can retire outdated stories and cycles, writing new scripts that are in alignment with your highest good. This special state of altered consciousness is the part of you that has access to the Infinite Intelligence of the universe and is known as your SUPERCONSCIOUS.
What’s happening
in the brain?
As our attention shifts and focuses throughout the day, neurons in the brain fire off electrical signals that create rhythms or wave patterns known as brain waves. When the brain maintains one specific frequency for a prolonged period of time, we shift in and out of measurable brain wave states that allow us to perform specific types of activities and functions. There are (four) main brain wave states we access daily with (one) additional state we can learn to access through consistent practice or through the use of hypnosis - (this is where all the magic happens) ★
During QHHT, we will be working primarily with the THETA and GAMMA brainwave states.
How it all comes together
>> When we enter a state of hypnosis or deep meditation (THETA) we are able to bring our subconscious programming into the conscious mind, witness it, and then release it
>> Then as our brainwaves transition into GAMMA we can ask the EGO (subconscious mind) to step out of the way so we may rewrite outdated scripts with the assistance of our SUPERCONSCIOUS or Higher Self